Woodlets Briquettes Pallet


  • 1x Pallet of 96x 10kg packs
  • 6 briquettes per pack
  • Long burning
  • Chemical free
  • Easy to light
  • High energy density

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Briquettes are sold by the pallet in packs of 6 and a pack weighs 10kg.

Made from:

Woodlets Briquettes are made from mixed softwoods, compressed into dense, chunky heat logs. The sawdust comes from sustainably managed British forests.

Woodlets Briquettes Ready To Burn logo - Wood Fuel Co-operative

Burning characteristics:

Each briquette weighs around 1.67kg, and is perfect for all stoves and open fires. Generating excellent heat with an attractive flame, you can expect an active burn time of 1.5 – 2 hours. The unique square shape is practical and popular because it stops the heat log from rolling on the fire. Because they’re easy to break they can be used on all sizes of stove or open fire.

Suitable for both stoves and open fires, Woodlets Briquettes produce great heat with an excellent flame. Be careful if using them full size though – they expand approximately 30% of their length whilst burning. Always break in half and use half at a time (except for starting where you would use three half briquettes) until you get used to their burning characteristics.

Woodlets Briquettes are certified Ready to Burn and they comply with the Clean Air Act – in fact, they exceed it! This also means they’re suitable to use in Smokeless Zones on DEFRA-approved appliances.An image of the UK flagReady to Burn is a UK Government certification that means that the heat logs have passed rigorous chemical analyses and meet FSC standards. So you can rest assured that they are safe, sustainable and clean-burning.

None of our briquettes contain additives or chemicals. Made from pure, untreated wood by-product, Woodlets Briquettes compression alone holds them together.


Composition: 100% softwood sawdust
Compression: 1,100kg/m³
Calorific value: 4.8 kWh/kg
Max. ash content: 0.9%
Max. water content: <10%
Product Standard: FSC, Ready to Burn


Log: 280mm x 75mm
Weight: c.1.67kg
Pack: 6 Logs x c.1.67kg = c.10kg


Woodlets Briquettes come in a shrink-wrapped pack. Please check with your local authority for recycling facilities.

Manufacturers widely use plastic to wrap briquettes, ensuring that they stay dry. A damp briquette breaks up, making it unsuitable for burning. We genuinely care about the environmental impact of our products, and are constantly working to improve the sustainability of our packaging by using cardboard in place of plastic wherever possible.




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